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Happy to write about my weekend outings around my city Monselice, just south of Padua, in Veneto region. When in my area, ask my free guided tour, and practice italian for free.
Monselice, where yesterday awaits. The impressive Grimani Marcello Cini Castle towers above the city. This building, dating from the 11th century, was enlarged several times and eventually was fully restored by the count Giorgio Cini, who provided it with new furniture and mounted a valuable collection of arms. In 1278, by command of the emperor Federico II, the existing town walls were extended and the parish church of Santa Giustina was built - the old cathedral, in which the poet Petrarca resided. With the successive domination by the Republic of Venice, the town continued to be embellished with important monuments, such as the Duodo, Contarini and Nani Villas. Between 1605 and 1615, the aristocratic Venetian Duodo family commissioned Vincenzo Scamozzi to design and build the sanctuary of the Seven Churches.
Villa Duodo at Monselice:
The medieval castle at Monselice:
Monselice landscape:
Villa Emo at Rivella di Monselice, that recalls the best of Palladian architecture, especially in its imposing front pillars and geometric layout of its extensive italian-style garden:
Veneto map with airports:
Online opportunities: another way to save money on airfare to Veneto is to route yourself through another European city first, and you can buy a separate ticket to and from Venice or Treviso on one of Europe's famous low-cost airlines (Easyjet, Ryanair, Germanwings, Transavia, etc..).
Can you help ...? Wanted used postage stamps for philately promotion to kids (stamp collecting offers a world of interest). All kinds, in duplicates, on paper, are welcome. This is a permanent appeal, so stamps can be sent at any time of the year. Thank you. Ask my gift-offer. Roberto, Italy (roberto88264@yahoo.it)
How do you start collecting postage stamps? Where to get used stamps from? It's easy. You can save the stamps from the envelopes & postcards that comes to your place. You can ask your friends and relatives to save the stamps from their mail for you. The one thing I must ask is if stamps could be left on the envelope and cut off leaving about two cm of paper surrounding the stamp, to prevent damage. Trim the excess from around the stamp, but be careful not to cut the stamp. Never pull the stamps from the paper. Thank you.
Venice, unique and beautiful. You have to take the ferry if you want to tour the city. Exactly, no streets, but amazing canals full of water. Fascination and mystery are unimaginable. Venice is unique and it makes you stand open-mouthed. The impact is strong, incredible and surreal, and you get the same feeling every time you come back. The city holds too much beauty in the form of artworks and architectures. With its gorgeous setting, the city is dubbed to be one of the most romantic and most beautiful cities, not just in Europe, but throughout the world. Numerous couples visit Venice to experience the love and elegance that the city offers.
Art and history wherever you look. You really enter the heart of Chioggia ... on one hand because you cross St. Mary's Gate and, on the other, because you feel like you're crossing an imaginary boundary - that of time. It's as if you're entering a different, slower, older, more enjoyable world. The majestic cathedral, the Romanesque-style bell tower that you can see in the distance ... as you walk under the archways, something captures your attention every few steps: St. James' Basilica, Palazzo Granaio and St. Andrew's Church with its bell tower dispaying the oldest tower clock in the world.
Brenta Riviera, the itinerary of villas. This is indeed one of Italy's most famous river landscapes, due to the number of villas and river villages. Stra, just west of Venice, it is the location of the famed Villa Pisani located on the Brenta canal.
Padua, city of science and culture. Probably better known as the city of St. Anthony or as the economic capital of Veneto, Padua is one of the most important Art Cities in Italy. The town is surrounded by a formidable ring of walls and bulkwarks that establishes the definitive urban shape. New buildings and solemen churches rise up. The University (1222) goes through a period of great splendour: Galilei teaches here. The ancient Roman Amphitheatre (the Arena) surrounds the Scrovegni Chapel, which holds, entirely preserved, the most complete cycle of frescoes produced by Giotto (1303-1305), one of the greatest monuments of figurative art of all time. The magic scenography of Prato della Valle, at the end of the 18th century, marks the end of four centuries of Venetian domination.
The St. Anthony Basilica, in Romanesque Gothic style:
The Prato della Valle, or "the largest square in Europe":
The Parco-Giardino Sigurtà extend over 125 acres at the edge of the morainic hills that form the southern border of Lake Garda, just 8 km from the town of Peschiera. The gardens began life as walled garden (1617) to the Villa Maffei, designed by V. Pellesina, a student of Palladio, and in 1859 became for a time the headquarters of Napoleon III. In over forty years of loving care, Carlo Sigurtà, benefiting from an ancient right to take water from the river Mincio below, performed the "miracle" of turning an arid hillside into luxurious greenery. The Parco-Giardino opened to the public in 1978 and from then it's conservation has been due in great part to the love of its' visitors who have called it "A temple of Nature". The Parco-Giardino Sigurtà is now considered by many to be among the five most beautiful in the world.
The Parco-Giardino Sigurtà at Valeggio sul Mincio:
By the V century the area around Bevilacqua would already have known the presence of humans. Until 589 A.D. there had been a settlement of the Ancient Venetic people on the banks of the River Adige. Since that time the gentle expanses of the Veneto countryside have surrounded the centre, where stands the mighty castle of the Bevilacqua family, enfeoffed here by imperial decree through the Scaligeri family. Today the caste soars in renewed splendour.
Rovigo, the provincial capital, is a modern town with many historic buildings of interest such as the medieval towers in Pighin Street and the two leaning towers: the Donà, one of the highest italian medieval towers, and the Mozza tower. There are also many examples of Renaissance architecture: Palazzo Roverella, which houses the art gallery, Palazzo dell'Accademia dei Concordi, and the cathedral dedicated to St. Stephen, pope and martyr, the interior of which contains numerous sculptures and paintings. The Santa Maria del Soccorso church, also known as the "Rotonda" due to its' characteristic octagonal form, is very interesting for a spectacular series of paintings, sculptures and decorative elements.
Lendinara, an important centre of the Adigetto. With magnificent buildings in the Venetian style and several interesting churches, it is one of the must-visit tourist destinations of Polesine. But it is the Sanctuary Madonna of Pilastrello that attracts thousands of faithful devotees.
This beautiful place is known for the splendid Villa Badoer, UNESCO heritage site, and it is home of the National Archaeological Museum. With the Villa Badoer, Palladio left one of his most successful works in terms of taste and harmony of forms. Along the two rivers that run through the village one can see numerous villas and palaces of rare beauty among which stand out Villa Grimani Molin, designed by a pupil of Palladio. Fratta was also the birthplace of Giacomo Matteotti, and in his family home there is now a museum.
Adria, a charming town that gave its name to the Adriatic sea, is located in the proximity of the last stretch of river Po, marking the beginning of the Po Delta Regional Park. It is crossed by Canalbianco which ensures a direct connection with the sea. The National Archaeological Museum with its interesting collection of Etruscan and Roman remains is well worth a visit (entrance must be paid, but at low cost).